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Huntersville Downtown Master Plan
Shook Kelley provided Planning and Community Engagement services for the Town of Huntersville, NC's Downtown Master Plan, helping to shape the future of development. The emphasis of the new plan is to develop a set of sequenced and prioritized actions needed to build on past and current improvements.

Huntersville needed a design-based vision for the downtown core that its citizens could be part of and rally behind. The Downtown Master Plan is intended to craft a realistic vision in harmony with community core values and identify catalytic projects for infrastructure, multi-modal transportation, open space, land use, urban design, and economic development. Together, these projects will serve to bolster community activity and properly guide growth.
Over the span of the public engagement process, real-time interactive public feedback surveys were conducted to garner participant input. Eventually, three plan options consisting of low, medium, and high-intensity levels were presented, covering areas of traffic circulation, parking, civic infrastructure, and private development. The final plan identifies the general infrastructure needed to support the forward vision and the actions needed to get there. Transportation is a key element in developing the type of streetscape needed to support downtown activities in Huntersville and will be a factor in deciding how the public realm will influence private development. The plan is also intended to encourage coordination of public actions with private investment and redevelopment/reuse decisions that help to realize a robust and attractive place. A development strategy that respected the integrity of the surrounding neighborhoods was a topic that required careful attention throughout the process.
On April 17, 2023 the Town Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the new Downtown Plan.
Huntersville needed a design-based vision for the downtown core that its citizens could be part of and rally behind. The Downtown Master Plan is intended to craft a realistic vision in harmony with community core values and identify catalytic projects for infrastructure, multi-modal transportation, open space, land use, urban design, and economic development. Together, these projects will serve to bolster community activity and properly guide growth.
Over the span of the public engagement process, real-time interactive public feedback surveys were conducted to garner participant input. Eventually, three plan options consisting of low, medium, and high-intensity levels were presented, covering areas of traffic circulation, parking, civic infrastructure, and private development. The final plan identifies the general infrastructure needed to support the forward vision and the actions needed to get there. Transportation is a key element in developing the type of streetscape needed to support downtown activities in Huntersville and will be a factor in deciding how the public realm will influence private development. The plan is also intended to encourage coordination of public actions with private investment and redevelopment/reuse decisions that help to realize a robust and attractive place. A development strategy that respected the integrity of the surrounding neighborhoods was a topic that required careful attention throughout the process.
On April 17, 2023 the Town Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the new Downtown Plan.